Getting the finances to start producing work is one of the biggest challenges for a serious artist. Luckily there are a number of grants available locally and nationally. One approach you might not think of as an artist is to look for small business help, which can open a whole new spectrum of possibilities. You are after all operating a business and have just as much a right to these programs as the hardware store next door.
One such program is the local South Carolina state funded, Community Works. Community Works started as a community development program to help provide the means for low wealth families to buy houses. Since then it has expanded to other things such as education and small business. Some services they provide are low interest loans, grants, and classes.
I personally participated in their IDA Program or Individual Development Accounts. This program is a matched savings program that matches 3:1 up to $3000:$1000. The IDA program encourages savings and allows people to gain assets who may have difficulty doing so. Though this program I was able to purchase my kilns, so that I could continue to produce ceramic work.
You must save at least $25 a month for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 2 years. You will be required to attended a number of classes on business planning and finances and you must submit a business plan to complete the program.
Community Works programs are available to people within the upstate with a low to moderate income. Click on the links to visit their website and get more information!
One such program is the local South Carolina state funded, Community Works. Community Works started as a community development program to help provide the means for low wealth families to buy houses. Since then it has expanded to other things such as education and small business. Some services they provide are low interest loans, grants, and classes.
I personally participated in their IDA Program or Individual Development Accounts. This program is a matched savings program that matches 3:1 up to $3000:$1000. The IDA program encourages savings and allows people to gain assets who may have difficulty doing so. Though this program I was able to purchase my kilns, so that I could continue to produce ceramic work.
You must save at least $25 a month for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 2 years. You will be required to attended a number of classes on business planning and finances and you must submit a business plan to complete the program.
Community Works programs are available to people within the upstate with a low to moderate income. Click on the links to visit their website and get more information!